VanMoof S5/A5 🚲💨💨 Test Rides & First Impressions

VanMoof S5 Test Ride — First Impressions

Its true S5 has a little smaller frame than the S3 but the ride felt fine.

If you consider buying a VanMoof S5/A5 or S3/X3, use the following discount code during checkout and save €100/$100/£95 on VanMoof accessories & PoM services:


Welds: Seems not like the best job from VanMoof but they are bearable and they seem really strong. Insider info; all test bikes have hand weldings but the production S5 & A5 is going to have them done by the robots. So, we may see some improvement there.

Buttons: I didn’t like the touch & feel of the new buttons (somehow the clicks don’t feel that nice like the buttons of S2 and S3) but they are coming with additional functionality. There are 2 additional buttons now. It wasn’t possible during the test ride but with software updates, riders will be able to customize the use of these additional buttons. In the image below, the button under the boost button is used to set the motor support. The halo ring shows the level in blue color (currently at 2).

VanMoof S5 & A5 — Dashboard, Buttons & Halo Rings

Halo Rings: In the beginning, I asked myself, hey where is the matrix display? and I wasn’t optimistic about the halo rings. Sometimes it’s not easy to create new habits instantly especially if you are used to something like the matrix display. The cool thing about the Halo Rings is not the way it shows quantity with the number of lights from bottom to top but the new dimension it brings with color. So different colors mean different things. On the right halo ring, you see the color blue, showing the motor support level, the same halo ring in red shows your speed. It will get better in time.

Brakes: The squeaky brakes of the S3/X3 are remarkable. Honestly, I like them, because a soft touch on the breaks, a little squeak would immediately warn the pedestrians in front of me. No need to use the bell. Anyway, it seems like this won’t be the case with the S5 & A5. The brake calipers and pads are the same but the new disks have air channels which would remove the dust away. The brake levers are thinner, they feel fine. Insider info; they may still replace them with thicker ones.

Kick-lock: This is a major update. It is super accurate and feels more secure, the kick lock button is bigger, so your kick won’t miss it. Unlocks, without rolling the bike.

E-shifter: Shifts seamlessly. I tried to test it, by pushing hard on the pedals during/before and after the shifting moments. It handled all, just fine. At least, I didn’t hear any weird cracks or experience any pedaling in the air.

Torque Sensor: You can’t fake the engine anymore 🙂 this was possible with Electrified S2/X2 and S3/X3, you could slowly pedal and the engine would push the bicycle forward. Thanks to the torque sensor, now the bike knows, how much power you need by analyzing the pressure you put on the pedals. This also helps the e-shifter to smoothly change the gears.

Noise: Thanks to the new tensioner system, the bike is quieter while not pedaling but also while pedaling. The motor sounds are similar to the latest generation S3s. During a ride in the quiet neighborhood, I heard once a sinus wave-like sound which I think came from somewhere under the bottom bracket.

App: A custom app was running on the iPhone with many limitations and work-in-progress notifications. I could change the regional settings of the phone but it wasn’t enough to switch to the US mode. The speedo started to show miles instead of kilometers whereas the ‘Reset’ button (to switch the bike’s region) didn’t appear.

VanMoof App with Dashboard — work in progress

Engine/Boost: Has stronger acceleration, the torque sensor works too but needs testing on hilly ground, will do it in September. Holding the boost made the bike accelerate up to 30 km/h then it was also not that hard to keep up the speed around 30 km/h. Well, this may not be the case for the deliveries since the software I mentioned above is custom. I got some info that the boost will make the bike accelerate more than 27 km/h (in the EU).

Smart Cartridge: Comes with 8GB storage compared to S3’s 1GB. Apparently there are some big plans with ride and environment (air quality, temperature, etc) data.

Accessories: will be available at the end of 2022.

Kickstand is also not final.

VanMoof A5 Test Ride  —  First Impressions

After the conversations I had yesterday; VanMoof built a bicycle that is much easier to service in comparison to the previous generations, especially S3/X3.

Every single part of the bicycle is re-engineered to be easily accessible and replaceable by the bike doctors. Meanwhile, they made the parts cost-effective, less complex and more reliable for the rider, not only as a whole echo system but also piece by piece.

VanMoof A5 & S5 Close Up Shots — VanMoof S5 vs S3 (side by side)

I am expecting the bikes to be geofenced meaning; goodbye to US mode (for the riders in EU). The main reason is the warranty claims from owners in EU who were using either US or Developer mode.

They say this will dramatically decrease the time spent on the bike fixing. Less time means less costs.

S5/A5 looks also quite exquisite, on top of its visual design, it comes with all those technological advancements like new tracking systems, sensors, software and security, as well as modular, robust, easily serviceable parts. If you also have time to wait then go for the S5/A5.

S5 vs S3

If this article helps you with your buying decision, please consider visiting for available discount codesbefore completing your order. Subscribe to VanMoofer on Medium, and follow our social channels on Instagram & Twitter.

About VanMoofer: Blending technology and design for e-mobility is the motivation of this blog. If you want to know more about new perspectives and ideas in this context, subscribe to VanMoofer on Medium.

Follow us on Instagram and Twitter
You can check suitable VanMoof-Gear & support us with a cup of coffee ☕️.

🚲 Last but not least, if you consider buying a VanMoof S5/A5 or S3/X3, use the following discount code during checkout and save €100/$100/£95 on VanMoof accessories & PoM services:


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Solltest du ein VanMoof S3/X3 kaufen oder auf das S5/A5 warten? 🚲🤷🚲 VanMoof S5 vs S3

Du musst eine Entscheidung treffen!

Diese Frage steht jetzt in jedem VanMoof-Forum im Internet. Es ist keine leichte Entscheidung,setze also deine Prioritäten richtig.

Gestern (29.03.22), eine Woche vor dem Enthüllungsevent, haben Fans den neuen S5 in freier Wildbahn gesichtet. Im folgenden Artikel findest du die Details und die Fotos. Die VanMoof-Enthüllung!

Sparen Sie 100 € bei allen Zubehör- und Peace-of-Mind-Services!
Verwenden Sie den unten stehenden Rabattcode während des Bezahlvorgangs und erhalten Sie 100 €/100 $/95 £ Rabatt auf VanMoof-Zubehör und Peace-of-Mind-Services.


VanMoof Rabattcode gültig für S5 & A5


Im Jahr 2020 wandte sich VanMoof an die Fahrer und kündigte die S3/X3-Reihe an. VanMoof Besitzer hatten vermutlich die Möglichkeit, die Fahrräder bis zum Enthüllungsereignis vorzubestellen.

Am 21. April stellte VanMoof das Fahrrad der Öffentlichkeit vor und der Bestellprozess war für alle offen. Die ersten Lieferungen erfolgten Ende Mai. Allerdings betrugen die Lieferzeiten am 21. April bereits drei Monate, stiegen anschließend auf acht Monate an.

VanMoof S3/X3 Lieferzeiten im Jahr 2020


Nach der Enthüllung nächste Woche wird VanMoof möglicherweise einen ähnlichen Bestellvorgang mit Einladungscodesoder offenen Bestellungen für alle ankündigen. In beiden Fällen wird es eine große Nachfrage geben, die die Lieferzeiten stark erhöhen wird.

Wenn VanMoof Einladungscodes anbieten kann, haben die Fahrer die Möglichkeit, die neuen Fahrräder früher zu bekommen. Wenn Sie bereits Fahrer sind, haben Sie den S5 möglicherweise schon vor dem Sommer.

Die Suche nach einem Einladungscode in den sozialen Medien erregt die Aufmerksamkeit der Leute. Es ist eine Werbe- und Gamification-Taktik.

Die zweite Option klingt aufgrund der Nachfrage und des potenziellen Ansturms chaotischer. Dies kann zu Serverfehlfunktionen und Stress für die Käufer führen.


Die erwarteten Features haben wir bereits auf und in diesem Artikel aufgelistet. Es ist großartig zu sehen, dass sie mit der neuen Besetzung wahr werden. Vielen Dank an VanMoof, dass Sie ihren Fahrern wieder zugehört haben. Um einen schnellen Einblick zu erhalten, ist hier eine Abbildung für dich.

Epische neue Funktionen des VanMoof S5

Wenn die Features der dominierende Faktor für Ihre Kaufentscheidung sind, dann lohnt sich das S5 für dich. Obwohl das neue Line-up der klare Gewinner ist, bedenke die potenziellen Fehler, die es mit sich bringen kann.

Die ersten Auslieferungen von S3/X3 hatten Fehler wie verbogene Scheiben, wackelige Räder, leere Batterien, lose Kotflügel, E-Shifter und Probleme mit der Hinterradnabe. Die meisten dieser Probleme wurden innerhalb eines Jahres behoben, schließlich führten sie im April 2021 die aktualisierten S3- und X3-Modelle ein.

Lasst uns positiv bleiben und hoffen, dass VanMoof genug Zeit für die Qualitätskontrolle und Produkttests aufgewendet hat.

Preis & Boni

Am 8. März erhöhte VanMoof die Preise von S3 & X3 um 150 €. Gründe für den Anstieg sind wahrscheinlich die Engpässe in der Lieferkette, Covid-19 und der Ukraine-Russland-Krieg.

Wir hatten mit einem Preisrückgang gerechnet, da VanMoof die Produktion skalieren und gleichzeitig die Kosten massiv senken kann. Am Ende lautet die Devise, eine Milliarde Menschen auf Fahrrädern zu haben.

Harte Zeiten für Superdiebe — VanMoof-Werbung

Parallel dazu startete VanMoof eine neue Kampagne, um die Lagerbestände auszuliefern, und zwar nicht nur für S3 & X3, sondern auch für die Powerbank (eingeführt letztes Jahr, eine Woche nach den aufgefrischten S3 & X3-Modellen).

Powerbank kostenlos!
Wenn Sie also ein VanMoof S3 oder X3 bestellen möchten, können Sie den Rabattcode FREEPOWER während des Bestellvorgangs verwenden und erhalten die Powerbank ohne zusätzliche Kosten.

Ein Jahr kostenloser Peace of Mind-Service!
Wenn du ein VanMoof S3 oder X3 bestellst, füge einen Peace of Mind-Service in den Warenkorb und erhalte den Rabatt während des Bezahlvorgangs.

Sparen Sie 100 € bei allen Zubehör- und Peace-of-Mind-Services!
Verwenden Sie den unten stehenden Rabattcode während des Bezahlvorgangs und erhalten Sie 100 €/100 $/95 £ Rabatt auf VanMoof-Zubehör und Peace-of-Mind-Services.


Heute haben VanMoof S3 & X3 einen Listenpreis von 2348 € und kein Preisschild für das S5/A5, und es ist nicht realistisch, kurzfristig von einer Preissenkung auszugehen.


Wenn Sie ein VanMoof wollen,
(1) für diesen Frühling und Sommer,
(2) mit einigen Rabatten und zusätzlichem Zubehör,
(3) mit einem kleineren Preisschild,
(4) ohne potenzielle Fehler?
dann bestellen Sie das S3 & X3!
(Lieferzeit für die meisten Länder ab 7 Tagen)

Wenn Sie ein VanMoof wollen,
(1) mit der neuesten Technologie,
(2) und sich nicht um den Preis kümmern,
(3) der/die erste sein möchten,
(4) der/die Schnellste auf der Straße zu sein?
Dann warten Sie auf die Enthüllung und bestellen Sie das S5 & A5!
(Lieferzeit unklar, vielleicht im Mai, vielleicht im Dezember)

P.S.: Hill Challenge: VanMoof S3 gegen Cowboy 4

About VanMoofer: Blending technology and design for e-mobility is the motivation of this blog. If you want to know more about new perspectives and ideas in this context, subscribe to VanMoofer on Medium.

Follow us on Instagram and Twitter
You can check suitable VanMoof-Gear & support us with a cup of a coffee ☕️.

🚲 Wenn du ein S3 / X3 kaufen möchtest, verwende bitte beim Auschecken den folgenden Rabattcode, um 100 € / 100 $ / 95 £ Rabatt auf VanMoof-Zubehör und PoM-Services zu erhalten:

Visit our website:

Should you buy a VanMoof S3/X3 or wait for the S5/A5? 🚲🤷🚲 VanMoof S3 vs S5

You’ve got to make a decision!

This question is on every VanMoof forum on the internet now. It’s not an easy decision, so better set priorities right.

Yesterday (29.03.22), one week before the reveal event, fans spotted the new S5 in the wild. In the article below, you’ll find the details and the photos of it. The VanMoof Reveal!

Delivery times

In 2020, VanMoof reached out to riders and announced the S3/X3 lineup. The riders had the priority to pre-order the bicycles until the reveal event.

Save €100 on any Accessories and Peace of Mind services!
Use the discount code below during checkout and get €100/$100/£95 off on VanMoof Accessories and Peace of Mind services.


VanMoof Discount Code valid for S5 & A5

On April 21st, VanMoof introduced the bike to the public, and the orders were open for everyone. The first shipments took place in late May. However, the delivery times were already three months on April 21st, went up to eight months.

VanMoof S3/X3 Delivery Times in 2020

Hold on tight!

After the reveal next week, VanMoof may announce a similar ordering process with invitation codes or open orders for everyone. In both cases, there will be a lot of demand, which will increase the delivery times like a bandit.

If VanMoof may offer invitation codes, then the riders will have the opportunity to get the new bikes earlier. If you are already a rider, you may have the S5 already before summer.

Searching for an invitation code on social media somehow catches people’s attention. It’s an advertisement and gamification tactic.

The second option sounds more chaotic because of the demand and potential rush. It may cause server malfunctions and stress to the buyers.


We were already listing the expected features on and in this article. It’s great to see that they are becoming true with the new lineup. Thanks to VanMoof, for listening to their riders again. To get quick insight here is a figure for you.

Epic new features of the VanMoof S5

If the features are the dominant factor for your buying decision, then it is clear. Although the new lineup is the clear winner, consider the potential bugs the new lineup may bring.

The first batches of S3/X3 had bugs like bent disks, wobbly wheels, drained batteries, loose mudguards, e-shifter, and rear hub issues. Most of these problems were fixed within a year, eventually, they introduced the refreshed S3 & X3 models in April 2021.

Let’s think positively and hope that VanMoof spent enough time on quality control and product testing for the new lineup.

Price & Bonuses

On March 8, VanMoof increased the prices of S3 & X3 by €150. Reasons for the increase are probably, the supply change distributions, Covid-19, and the Ukraine-Russia war.

We were expecting a price decrease because VanMoof can scale the production while decreasing the costs massively. In the end, the motto is to have a billion people on bikes.

Hard Times For Super Thieves — VanMoof Advert

In parallel, VanMoof started a new campaign to melt the stocks down and not only for S3 & X3 but also for the Powerbank (introduced last year, one week after the refreshed S3 & X3 models).

Powerbank for free!
So, if you want to order a VanMoof S3 or X3, you can use the discount code FREEPOWER during checkout and get the Powerbank without additional costs.

One year of Peace of Mind service for free!
If you order a VanMoof S3 or X3, add a Peace of Mind service into the shopping cart and get the discount during checkout.

Save €100 on any Accessories and Peace of Mind services!
Use the discount code below during checkout and get €100/$100/£95 off on VanMoof Accessories and Peace of Mind services.


Today, VanMoof S3 & X3 have a list price of €2348 and no price tag for the S5/A5, and it’s not realistic to assume a price decrease in the short term.

Decision Time

If you want a VanMoof,
(1) for this spring and summer,
(2) with some discounts and additional accessories,
(3) with a smaller price tag,
(4) without potential bugs?
then go ahead and order the S3 & X3!
(delivery time for most countries starts from 7 days)

If you want a VanMoof,
(1) with the latest technology,
(2) and don’t care about the price tag,
(3) to have hands on before anyone else,
(4) to be the fastest on the streets?
then wait for the reveal and order the S5 & A5!
(delivery time unclear, maybe in May, maybe in December)

P.S.: Hill Challenge: VanMoof S3 vs Cowboy 4

About VanMoofer: Blending technology and design for e-mobility is the motivation of this blog. If you want to know more about new perspectives and ideas in this context, subscribe to VanMoofer on Medium.

Follow us on Instagram and Twitter
You can check suitable VanMoof-Gear & support us with a cup of a coffee ☕️.

🚲 Last but not least, if you consider buying an S3/X3, use the following discount code during checkout and get €100/$100/£95 off on VanMoof accessories & PoM services: ADV-Y78Q-4S9G-HEM7

Visit our website:

The VanMoof Reveal! VanMoof S5 & A5

Here it is exactly after 693 days! Just like it was between the VanMoof Electrified S2&X2 and S3&X3.

🚲 If you consider buying a VanMoof, use the following discount code during checkout and get €100/$100/£95 off on VanMoof accessories & PoM services: 

If you follow @vanmoofernews on Twitter then you’ve seen the tweet today (15.03.2022) at 01:26.

VanMoof Product Timeline —

Around 10:00 (CET), VanMoof revealed the following YouTube video with the slogan “Change is coming”. New renders/videos of the upcoming lineup are on social media and in the VanMoof newsletters.The VanMoof Reveal

What is new?

It seems to be an epic change while preserving the beautiful, timeless design. We were already speculation these news upgrades and updates in and other social media channels like Twitter and Instagram.

Here is a sneak peek of what you should expect to reveal on April 5, 2022, at 17:00 (CET). Are you interested in the event, here is the registration link!

New VanMoof Lineup Sneakpeak
  • New front and rear lights, probably with stoplight function
  • Integrated camera below the front light
  • Integrated sensor below the rear light
  • Obstacle/blindspot detection, maybe dashcam and/or sentry mode
  • (Warning) lights next to boost and bell buttons
  • Phone mount module/port with power connection above the front light

  • USB port for external device charging
  • New chain tensioner system and cover (mentioned in the ‘V’ blog post)
  • One-piece unibody frame (maybe without welds)
  • New rear hub & automatic stepless e-shifter
Head Tube: VanMoof S3 vs upcoming VanMoof
Chain Tensioner & Cover: VanMoof S3 vs upcoming VanMoof
Frame Comparison: VanMoof S3 vs upcoming VanMoof

27.03.2022 — If the history repeats itself, then on April 5, VanMoof will likely (%99) introduce the new lineup as S5 & X5. Since they never used the number ‘4’.

A part of VanMoof History

VanMoof Reveal on April 5, 2022

29.03.22 — VanMoof S5 spotted first time in the wild! The photo was taken by Marielle and shared in the VanMoofing facebook group.

Seems like the down tube has a new design which may mean more battery for range and power. The e-shifter seems to be moved to the bottom bracket, hopefully for stepless gear shifting.

30.03.22 — Here are the changes we were mentioning under since years. Seems like they all are going to be true soon.

01.04.22 — A new YouTube video from VanMoof is giving hints about the features.

VanMoof’s new YouTube video, disclosing new features.

It seems that the obstacle detection sensor is inside the smart cartridge. The black area of the rear light is likely to be the sensor. The part above the rear wheel and under the rear light has a ⚡️ icon, it can be the charging and/or the data port. Still unclear whether the S5 has a removable battery and a belt drive.

VanMoof will introduce two new e-bikes: VanMoof S5 & VanMoof A5 during the reveal on Tuesday (April 5). It’s still unclear if there will be an X (X5) frame this year.

We found a trademark application for VanMoof A5 filed in the United States on 24.02.22. It is official.

Click to see the mockups!

About VanMoofer: Blending technology and design for e-mobility is the motivation of this blog. If you want to know more about new perspectives and ideas in this context, subscribe to VanMoofer on Medium, follow us on Instagram and Twitter. You can also check suitable VanMoof-Gear and if you like support us with a cup of a coffee ☕️.

🚲 Last but not least, if you consider buying a VanMoof, use the following discount code during checkout and get €100/$100/£95 off on VanMoof accessories & PoM services: ADV-Y78Q-4S9G-HEM7

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